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Courtyard planters - a smarter way to grow veg in your golden years.

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Growing veggies in your own back yard is highly rewarding for all the family.

There’s nothing better than sharing your home grown bounty with your friends and neighbors!

But there comes a time when the body objects!

Need a smarter way to grow veg in your later years?
Need a smarter way to grow veg in your later years?

High Courtyard planters

The self-watering raised vegetable beds we install in Sydney are fine tuned for vegetables, and perfect for those of us that wish to keep gardening without the backache!

And for even less bending, our new courtyard planters come in at 850mm tall. These are self watering, and fully lined with directable drainage, so great for courtyards and balconies.

  1. Less bending. They are raised! (find out more here...)

  2. No heavy watering cans. In fact no watering usually. (find out more here...)

  3. No digging or weeding. We provide worms to do that! (find out more here...)

  4. No fertilising. The built-in kitchen scrap unit does that. (find out more here...)

  5. No spraying - much less disease and fewer pests! (find out more here...)

And our uniquely blended organic mix, built in composter and worm booster keeps your veg thriving for years.

Email us on to find out more, or call us on 0415 709591 if you prefer.

The 850mm high courtyard planter joins our existing range of 450mm garden beds, and is engineered to provide the same high-yields.

Our raised wicking beds are fine tuned for easy veg!
Our raised wicking beds are fine tuned for easy veg!



High-Yield Wicking Beds from Urban Veg

Find out more about the self-watering wicking beds we install in Sydney backyards, courtyards and driveways here.

Contact us  to enquire about getting a custom bed installed.

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