Helensburgh, NSW
May 2022
1 Extra Long Wicking Bed with Bench Seat
This 4m bed has extra wide capping at the front to allow the customer to sit whilst tending his veggies.
This spot should receive great summer sun, but is a little more challenging in the winter months with only part of the bed receiving sun for the majority of the day.
But you can still grow plenty of vegetables in shady spots. Onions, carrots, beetroots, salad greens, spinach and many others.
Plus the fence at the back will allow snowpeas to climb in search of sunlight.
During the summer months this won't be an issue, so the beds will be ideal for corn, chilli, capsicum, zuchinni, tomatoes and other sun loving vegetables.
The bed was prefabricated back at base, and assembled, irrigated and filled on site. Like our beds, it contains an underground water reservoir and waters from below, saving water, nutrients and effort as well as deterring pests and encouraging strong root growth.
Can't wait to see this bed bursting with vegetables next summer!
Find out more about the self-watering wicking beds we install in Sydney backyards, courtyards and driveways here.
Contact us to enquire about getting a custom bed installed.